My Mission is to Empower You to Support Your Health on a Daily Basis

Let me Help you to Experience your Life in a Radiant Body!

 I am a member of the Nutritional Therapy Association and hold a bachelor’s degree in Biological Natural Sciences from Pembroke College, Cambridge

 I am a member of the Nutritional Therapy Association and hold a bachelor’s degree in Biological Natural Sciences from Pembroke College, Cambridge


Hello Friends!

I’m Gemma and I am so happy that you’re here.

I am an online Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and I want to empower you to enter into a conversation with your body.

What is it trying to tell you through the signs and symptoms you experience? What strategies work for you to nourish and support your body? How do you FEEL?

Because man, isn’ t that sometimes just the hardest question to answer? And unless you want to limp on just feeling meh (or even urgh) every day, throwing wellness-spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks, you’ve got to go deeper. And you’ve got to get quiet, and listen. Start that conversation with your body. I’ll be here to help you. And I’ll do my utmost to make sure you aren’t miserable doing it.

Because life is too short for hard-core rules and self-judgement. Do your best, make intentional decisions - and enjoy your life.

That’s the “no-fuss” SANSCHICHI PHILOSOPHY.

What Can You Expect?


Restore To Ease

I offer a one-on-one nutritional therapy PROGRAMME called “Restore to Ease” which can be purchased up front as a 3-6 month package or as ad hoc APPOINTMENTS

Book your free discovery session to learn more!


No-Fuss Articles

The ARTICLE section is where I publish a monthly scientific deep-dive on various aspects of nutritional therapy covering all of my “Four Pillars” of NUTRITION, MINDSET, MOVEMENT & SLEEP

Be In the know! @no_fuss_nutrition


The Life Sanschichi

The BLOG is where we go to play!

The Life Sanschichi is intended to be a resource or guide to many different aspects of joyful living

Be part of the joy cultivation! @thelifesanschichi

This beautiful image is by the artist Danica Gim. You can check out her other work here

This beautiful image is by the artist Danica Gim. You can check out her other work here


» As your Nutritional Therapist my fundamental goal is to encourage you to become knowledgeable about - and responsible for - your own health

» We will do this in a way that engenders less struggle, and more ease

» You will learn to interpret what your body is trying to tell you through the signs and symptoms you experience

» You will know how to best support your body with a properly prepared, nutrient-dense diet, targeted herbal & supplemental support and lifestyle choices

» You will be empowered to advocate for your health with healthcare professionals


“Wellness” is F**king confusing!

» I offer a science-based approach to well-being while maintaining a profound respect for ancestral wisdom and experiential knowledge

» Let’s find what works for YOU